Vivity Lens
The Vivity Lens Can Correct Your Astigmatism
What Separates the Vivity Lens from Other Lenses?
Goal: The Vivity lens provides extended vision using a non-diffractive technology called X-Wave™. This lens does not split light into separate focal points. It provides distance and intermediate vision.
Distance: Reading road signs, playing sports like golf (4 meters)
Intermediate: Using the computer and cooking (66 cm)
Near: Reading glasses will likely be needed for things like reading a book and visualizing small print on a smart phone
As with any lens, the vision may take time to come into focus
Clear vision at distance and intermediate distances should occur within a few weeks
Visual disturbances like glare and halo are less common compared to other multifocal lenses
Glasses will be needed for reading books or small print on a smart phone
More light may be needed at night or in low light conditions for the best vision
Vivity may be safer than other multifocal lenses for patients who have preexisting eye problems like glaucoma or macular disease
Results: Most patients who choose this lens are satisfied with the outcome as long as they are prepared to use reading glasses for small print.
30% of patients could read without glasses after surgery
The glare and halo effects were mild and similar to that of a monofocal lens
Cummings, A.B., Savini, G., Carones, F. et al. The Vivity IOL: the European Experience. Curr Ophthalmol Rep 10, 11–18 (2022).